What is a computer virus ?
What is a computer virus ? . Hello friends, today on this new topic you will know what happens in your computer or mobile, what you say is virus or worm. Friends, I went to my friend's wedding once and I heard someone say that a virus has come in my phone and it is a worm, so I told him how you can easily say that this virus If there is a worm, he said that I have heard from people that the virus that occurs in a mobile or computer is called a worm. Then I said that brother do not call the virus that is in the mobile or computer, then he replied that what is it called. When I explained it to him, he was stunned to hear this. So now you also hear what I understand about this virus - What is a virus in real - . Friends virus is a type of program or software that is created by coding. It is made from computer itself. How the virus spoils the computer or mobile - . friends, when the virus goes into the computer or mobile, the files that are directly in the comp...