
Showing posts with the label information about termux

What is Termax and how to use it?

  What is Termax and how to use it? Friends, today I will tell you what is termux. Friends termux is a terminal emulator that provides linux environments such as kali linux, and parrot os. If you are fond of hacking, then you must know about them. Tools like Nump, Hydra can also be installed with the help of Termx app. So guys, this was an introduction to termux, now I will tell you how to use termux. . Therefore it is very easy to run Termx. I will give you some basic commands, after that you will run Turmex and if you install and run each tool of Turmex at the same time, without any problem, stay on our blog. How to run Termax - Friends run Turmex with the command. Original order used in Tarmac - 1. Apt update   - Friends, when you open termux after first install then you have to apply these commands, after that your termux will be updated. 2. apt upgrade   - After Termx is updated, you must implement this command, after which you...